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Love of the Dragon: BBW Shifter Romance (Her Dragon's Bane Book 4) Page 8
Love of the Dragon: BBW Shifter Romance (Her Dragon's Bane Book 4) Read online
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The only thing she thought would work was if he thought she was leaving. Picking up her bag, she turned from him and walked purposely off in the opposite direction. With every step, she expected to hear shouts of surprise, but there was nothing. She couldn't turn around.
Then he crashed into her, fluttering around her face. She had ducked into a corridor leading to the restroom. Grabbing him, she headed inside the restroom and into a cubicle. There she arranged him in her shirt, telling him, he had to stay still. He had cocked his head and looked at her before nestling down against the warmth of her breast. Content now they were together, he slept.
It was there in the cubicle that she began to realise what he was. All he wanted to do was be with her. Being shut inside the glass dome had kept them apart. She figured that was the point. If ever she got lost, they would release him and he would find her. Whether there was a reason for this, she didn’t know. One thing for sure, Zoah must have known about the small dragon. It was the image of him. Surely, they had used magic to create this small creature. Which meant Tara’s input. But it was Tara who had told her it was her destiny to leave.
Standing there alone in the airport, she nearly bottled out. Serena would be worried about her. Although Charlotte had left a note, it wouldn’t make it right that she had gone off without speaking to her sister first.
Guiltily, she had pulled out her phone and rung Serena. No answer. She tried again, but had to leave a message on her voice mail instead.
“Hi, Serena, it’s me. Please don’t be mad that I’ve left, but I needed some time to get my head together. I’ll call you in a day or two. I love you. Kiss Brandan for me. Bye.”
Now she was here alone in Crete. The day was cooling off; soon the sun would begin its descent towards the sea. It was time to make a move. She got up, tucking the little dragon inside her shirt again. “Not much longer and then you can fly free all day.”
Wearily, she started the last leg of her journey. Hoping the Minotaur wouldn’t mind a houseguest.
Chapter Twenty Five - Zoah
The sun was setting. He was growing cold. Turning onto his front he began to crawl across the ground, relieved that nothing seemed to be broken. Dirt filled his nails, stones bruised his palms, but still he moved himself forward inch by inch. What an end for a mighty dragon. All he could think of was Charlotte and what a fool he had been.
He should have talked to her, but talking was never his thing. It was so much easier to be the strong, silent type. He had lain looking at the sky all day. The trees moved above his head while he drifted into a state of consciousness. Almost trancelike, he had come to the conclusion that he had not left for her own good. He had left because it meant putting off laying his heart out for her to trample over. But more than that, he was protecting himself from what his father went through. Yes, there was the heart-stone ritual, but immortality didn’t mean you never died. You could still be killed; his father had proved that.
What if she died and he was left alone? He was too much of a coward to go on without her. It was easier not to allow himself to become fully bonded with her. What a fool he was. Now fate had punished him. By denying his soul mate, by not acknowledging the bond, his other self had left him.
Oh, his body hurt. But he would take this punishment. He wouldn’t give in. In his heart, he was still her mate. If he found her again he would beg her to take him back. An ordinary man. Nothing special. He would risk her rebuff. He would risk everything for her.
“I don’t know, Zoah. I thought you would be able to look after yourself at your age.”
He flopped down onto the floor and rolled over with a groan. How could he not have heard someone approaching? “I have never been more pleased to see you, Connor.”
“Come on, little brother. Things are in motion and you need to come home.”
“I don’t think that’s going to happen, Connor. I think I’m going to die right here in the dirt.”
“You always were one for melodramatics. I take it you've been living in the cave. I’ll carry you there.”
“I can’t get on your back. I don’t have the strength.”
“Then I’ll carry you with my talons. I am not going to let you lie there and drown in self-pity. You brought this on yourself. You can damn well find the strength to put it right. Charlotte needs you.”
“Charlotte. She sent you?”
“No. But she’s left Spellholm. We don’t know where.”
“Someone took her?” He tried to lift himself up to a sitting position but couldn’t.
“No. She left on her own.”
“Why? What happened?”
“Once we’re in the cave, I’ll tell you all I know.”
“Tell me now?”
“No. If you want to hear it, you’ll have to make the effort to live. Now I’ll change and get you to safety.”
The air shimmered and the red dragon stood before him, looking more magnificent than he could ever have believed. Towering over him, making Zoah feel so small and insignificant. As he was now, with no dragon inside him; he was insignificant.
Stepping forward, Connor placed his talons carefully around Zoah. He didn’t spear him, he was too careful for that. But you would have thought he had by the way Zoah screamed as Connor lifted him off the ground.
One thing was for sure. He needed to die more quietly if he didn’t want to bring more trouble to his door.
Chapter Twenty Six - Charlotte
After the miles she had travelled, why did she feel so nervous to be standing inside the Minotaur's Labyrinth? Oh yeah, because long ago he used to eat people.
It was nonsense, really. She had been here so many times with Serena and Connor. They had even brought Brandan to visit him when he was still a babe in arms. Maybe that was the problem; she had always come here with other people. Now she stood in his territory, on her own. Hell, no one apart from Tara knew where she was. What if Tara really had foreseen her demise at the hands of the Minotaur? Maybe that was the reason she had sent Charlotte here.
The little dragon stirred, moving to poke his head out in the gloomy light. At least she wasn’t completely alone.
“So, little dragon. Want to go first?”
Azure hopped out onto her shoulder. Pausing, he appeared to sniff the air and then flapped his wings to launch himself into a haphazard flight. To her surprise, he took a deep breath and breathed out a short burst of fire. It lit the area just in front of them.
“You are a cool little fellow, aren’t you?” she said. He made her feel braver despite his diminutive size. “OK. Let’s go.”
He flew ahead, his wings stronger already. Little puffs of smoke mingled with his fire as he practised his latest talent. Braver now, he flew further away from her, and she was pleased he was not so clingy. It was much better than having him permanently attached to her or flapping in her face. More than anything, he gave her a link to Zoah. A much-needed link in this time of uncertainty.
With each step, she went deeper into the Labyrinth. Turning in different directions until she knew she would never find her way back out. She had heard nothing of the beast that lived here and hoped nothing had happened to him. If he didn’t find her, she would probably perish here. The little supplies she carried in her bag would not last long. In desperation, she called him.
“Minotaur.” He really needed a name. If it didn’t offend him that would be the first thing she did. So in amongst calling him and watching Azure, she thought of a name that would best suit the half man, half bull.
Some way off she heard a sound that would make any stranger to the Labyrinth run. He knew she was here. A sense of relief and apprehension filled her. She hoped he didn’t mind some long-term company.
The sound of his footsteps came towards her rapidly, echoing around the chamber she stood in. Since he knew she was here, it might be best to stand still and wait for him. He knew the pathways better than anyone ever would. He had spent centuries down here hidden away from mankind.
/> A snort and a short rush of breath signified his arrival. Azure had taken fright and flown behind her. His need to be near Charlotte overwhelming him. Right now, he was clinging to her back, his sharp talons digging into her skin. She didn't have the heart to move him while she spoke to the Minotaur. Her mind instead was occupied with trying to decide exactly what was going to tell him.
“Charlotte,” he bellowed. She thought he sounded happy to see her.
“Hello.” Yes, he definitely needed a name.
“I wasn’t expecting a visit from you.” He looked past her, his eyes returning to hers. “You’re alone?”
“Yes. I needed to get away.”
“From what?”
She’d hoped he wouldn’t ask. “My life.”
“You’re in trouble?”
It hadn’t struck her before just how much she needed an ally, someone to talk sense into her one way or another. This beast had spent his whole life shut away in an underground Labyrinth. He wasn't exactly the person an eighteen-year-old girl would choose to confide in. However, she little choice.
“Can we go further in? I have some food and water. I would really like to rest. Then I will tell you... That’s if you don’t mind me staying.” She didn't feel comfortable inviting herself to stay.
“Mind? No. I haven’t had visitors since ... well, you came last with Serena. I would enjoy the company. But tell me first, am I going to have to defend you against those dragons?”
“No. At least I don’t think so. Can we go and sit somewhere? I’m so tired.”
“This way.”
He didn’t ask her any more questions. Instead, he took her bag, like a real gentleman, and headed off into the gloom with her following behind. Several times she staggered and nearly fell. Using the wall for support, she rested for a moment. She needed to sleep. Perhaps he would wait until the morning for her explanations.
In her half-awake state, she didn’t even try to keep track of where they went. So many twists and turns. Crossing open areas, they slowly worked their way lower and lower. At odd times, she thought she heard running water, then thought it was her mind playing tricks. So she shouldn't have been surprised when they stopped in an open cave with a stream running through it.
“This is where I live.”
“I had no idea.”
“What did you think, I would live in a stable?”
“No. I don’t know. I never thought about it.” She looked at the Minotaur's home. Not exactly full of creature comforts, but some comforts, most definitely.
“You’ll be surprised what people throw out.”
“You found all this stuff?”
“That means you leave the Labyrinth.”
“I used to. Wearing a hood as a disguise.”
She laughed, her voice sounding on the verge of hysterics. Damn, she was so tired. “I’m sorry. I need to lie down. May I?”
“Certainly, Charlotte.” His voice held concern. “I will watch over you.”
She went to the makeshift bed. Only just remembering her little dragon, who was still clinging to her back. Not wanting to squash him, she reached behind to lift him off. He climbed into her hand and she could feel him trembling. “It’s OK, Azure. He won’t hurt you.”
The Minotaur snorted, nearly blowing Azure out of her hand. “What the hell is that?”
“It’s a dragon. Sort of.”
“You turned one of them into that tiny thing? No wonder they are hunting you.”
“No. No. This isn’t a real dragon.” Azure puffed himself up and blew fire at the Minotaur. “Stop it, Azure.”
“Azure. You named it?”
“He is very attached to me. So he needed a name. I couldn’t very well just call him "it". The dragons had him in a big glass jar. He goes mad when I’m near. The rest, I’m not sure. They don’t know I’m here. Just let me rest and I’ll tell you all about it. I promise. Then you can help me decide what to do.” Her thoughts were no longer coherent.
“Me? I have no idea how your human minds work.”
“Nor do I, anymore.”
He puffed at Azure lightly, knocking him backwards again. As Charlotte lay down on the Minotaur's bed, the small dragon made himself comfortable on her pillow. He stared, unblinking, at the Minotaur. She gave no thought to where the Minotaur was to sleep. She was past thinking.
“Good night, Fin,” she said as she closed her eyes.
“Who is Fin?” he asked.
“You are,” she said sleepily. Then she slept, while the big beast watched over her as promised. Bemused by the fact that, after so many centuries, he finally had a name.
Chapter Twenty Seven - Zoah
“What the hell happened to you?” Connor asked, lifting his brother onto the makeshift bed.
“I fell from the damn sky,” he answered through gritted teeth, as pain seared through him.
“Did something hit you?”
“A sledgehammer.”
Connor raised his eyebrow. “Leave out the sarcasm. This might be important. Neither of us has ever had this happen. So there must be a reason.”
“I have no idea. One minute I was flying, the next plummeting towards the earth. I couldn’t move my wings. Couldn’t save myself.”
“So how did you?”
“Save myself? I hit the trees and fell through them one solid branch at a time. I swear my wings tore, but when I regained consciousness, I was like this. I couldn’t summon my dragon. Whatever happened to me ... it’s gone.”
Connor didn’t argue with him. Instead, he went to the small fire and rekindled it. Placing the small kettle on it, he heated water. “I can’t believe this is all still here.”
“It took a bit of clearing out. But it’s not been touched since we lived here.”
“No one ever did climb this cliff face. I felt sure they would.”
“Listen. I’m all for reminiscing, but I need details. Where is Charlotte?”
Connor faced him, his face screwed up into a frown. “No one knows. She left a note. Saying she felt too pressured and needed time alone.”
Zoah tried to shift his weight, only making himself groan in agony once more. “What happened? She was supposed to stay with you in Spellholm for the summer.”
“I don’t know. There was a party for her at the Stronghold. At some point she left, telling Tara she felt unwell. When Serena and I got home she was gone.”
“Why not use the tracker to find her?”
Connor shook his head. “That’s the thing. It’s gone, too.”
“What?” Zoah shouted, collapsing back down with the effort.
“We think she found it.”
“I need to find her.”
“You need to find her. I need to find her. Serena is going mad. She never knew about the tracker. Now she blames us for mismanaging the situation.”
“She’ll get over it when we find Charlotte.”
“I’m just worried. She doesn’t need the stress.”
“None of us do,” Zoah said weakly.
“You don’t understand, Zoah. She’s pregnant.”
“Pregnant. You are having another baby? Damn, Connor, you’ll be doubling the dragon population single-handedly at this rate.”
“Well, if you had got your act together, Zoah, I wouldn’t have the sole responsibility. Would I? You and the others at the Stronghold. If I didn’t know better, I would say you are all too frightened to claim your mates.”
“That’s not fair.”
“Isn’t it, Zoah? You could have handled this better. Look where running away has got you.”
Zoah couldn’t argue. All he knew was he wanted to make amends for abandoning Charlotte. The only problem was he didn’t think he would ever have the strength to move again.
Chapter Twenty Eight - Charlotte
The snuffling of a little nose against her cheek woke her. She couldn’t work out where she was. It was dark, but off to the left was an opening.
Warm sunlight spilled through, casting its rays across her face. She fought not to turn over and go back to sleep. It was so much easier when you didn’t think about your problems. However, that didn’t make them go away.
“It’s time we ate.”
“Have you been here the whole time?” she asked.
“I said I would watch over you.”
“Thank you, Fin.”
He smiled. “That is not my name.”
“It’s what I would like to call you. Fintan. It means white bull. To me you are a cross between a white knight in shining armour and a proud, strong bull. But if you hate it, I’ll understand.”
“No. I don’t hate it. But I am the Minotaur.”
“Are you? You don’t seem to be the beast who terrorises the Labyrinth. You are helping me. When you don’t have to.”
“You are Serena’s sister. She was the first person to touch my heart. The only person I ever wanted to save, not kill.”
“Then accept the name.”
“Thank you, Charlotte.”
“No, Fin. Thank you. Now you said something about eating.”
“Yes. Then we can talk. I need to know everything.”
“So do I. I will tell you what I know, and then I would be grateful if you would help me figure out what is going on.”
He laughed. “You forget, Charlotte, I have no idea how human brains work.”
“Well, just let me sound off against you then. I need to get it all out of my head.”
“Then I suggest we go out to sit in the sunshine. The small cove here is hidden. No one comes this way. So it will be safe for us.”
She got out of bed; immediately Azure started to buzz around her head. “Chill, little one. No one is going to hurt you. Fin is a friend. But then, I guess you would be unsure. Everyone else you’ve ever met shut you away. Well, Fin knows all about being shut in and different, so he won’t hurt you. Isn’t that right, Fin?”
She saw the look cross his face. Fin longed to roar at the little dragon and send him flying for refuge. But when she caught his eye, he let it go. “I will protect you," he said and then added, "Why you brought that thing with you is beyond my imagining.”