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Love of the Dragon: BBW Shifter Romance (Her Dragon's Bane Book 4) Page 5

The spell cast by witches centuries ago made mundane people feel sick. Usually, feeling so bad, they were compelled to leave. Charlotte remembered the feeling all too well, she had thought she would pass out. Then Tara, a witch, cast a spell, which made her immune to the sickness. Thankfully, the feeling of nausea had never returned. Apparently, some mundanes were naturally immune to it. So part of Tom’s job was to patrol the inner roads and persuade them to leave.

  “That was kind of him. He came over a couple of days ago and we told him you were coming. He said he’d look out for you. He also bought you a gift.”

  “A gift. Now I feel bad. I would have thanked him if I'd known.”

  “You can, when you see him next. In fact, we had planned a surprise party.”

  “Serena, you know I don’t like surprises.”

  “That’s why we're telling you. We would like to have a few people over. Well, Dòmhnall has offered us the use of the Dragon Stronghold. It seems he is trying to be sociable. I don’t think he realises that the whole of Spellholm is likely to turn up. Just to get a glimpse inside that place.”

  “It was my idea,” said a voice.

  “Tara,” Charlotte cried, going to the witch and hugging her.

  “I thought I’d come and say hello. See how you are?” she asked brusquely.

  Charlotte smiled. “You never change, Tara. It’s good to see you too.” With that, she pulled Tara into a hug, knowing the witch would pretend to hate it. But really, she loved this part of her extended family. Tara wasn’t always the nicest person, but everyone here had plenty to thank her for. “How are the dragons up at the big house?”

  Tara patted Charlotte on the back in a wooden, automatic motion. Then pushed her away, brushing her clothes as if trying to brush the contact away. “As miserable as ever. Dòmhnall rules over them. I expect a coup at any moment.”

  “Can’t you see if that’s what they have planned?” Charlotte asked, surprised. Tara had the gift of being a seer. It was how she had known about Serena being Connor's mate. She had engineered their lives to suit her own. At first, it seemed an unforgivable act, considering the life Serena had been forced to lead at the hands of Samuel. However, she had explained her actions. Telling them it was the only way things could have worked out as they did. Somewhat reluctantly, they had forgiven her.

  Tara looked uncomfortable. “It’s fading.”

  “Fading? Why, what happened?”

  “She’s in love,” Serena answered.


  “Yes. I never could see my own fate, nor his. That’s how I knew he was my mate. You knew that. Not that he does, or at least he never shows any sign of it. But the longer I spend near him, the more it affects me.”

  “So you’re not as powerful?”

  Tara snorted indignantly. “I’m more powerful than ever, just not in the same way. There is a witch in Spellholm who has given me a book of ancient spells. Spells I never knew were possible.”

  “That’s good to know.” Charlotte thought about it for a moment. “You don’t miss it, do you? I mean, surely it’s much better to have no idea of the future.” She thought of her own situation and wished she didn’t know about Zoah and what he was to her.

  “It had its uses. But, not really. At least it stops people around here asking me the lottery numbers.”

  Charlotte laughed. “So, a party? Does this mean I can’t ask you if I’ll enjoy it or not?”

  “You can ask me and I’ll lie and tell you yes, you will. Because the party is going ahead whether you like it or not. Our Dragon Lord and master is looking forward to it. And you will not spoil it for him.”

  “I wouldn’t dare. But he’s not my lord and master.”

  Tara’s eyes flicked to Serena’s; they exchanged glances, which Charlotte easily read. “He might not ever return. So until he does I am not his mate and so Dòmhnall is not my master.”

  “Believe that if you want. But I am as much Dòmhnall’s mate, despite his determination to ignore it, as you are Zoah’s mate. You can’t escape your fate.”

  “I’m not trying to. My fate, it seems, is trying to escape me. Or rather, my fated mate is.”

  “He’ll come back, Charlotte,” Connor said quietly.

  “Are you sure?” she asked him, her eyes filled with sadness. “Sometimes I wonder.”

  “Connor, why don’t you take Charlotte up to her room while I make tea? I’m sure Tara will help me.”

  She looked pointedly at Connor, who frowned and then said, “Yes. Come on, Charlotte. I’ll carry your luggage.”

  “It’s not heavy, and I know the way.”

  “Let him do it,” Serena said and winked at her.

  Intrigued, she followed Connor upstairs.

  Chapter Fifteen - Zoah

  Charlotte was about to turn eighteen. He had taken a gift to Connor’s house and left it there on her bed. They had been out, probably at the castle where the supposed Dragon Lord lived. What a pretentious title to give yourself.

  He had entered the house and found her room. For a long while, he had sat on her bed, taking in the scent of her. It hadn’t changed, but it was faint. She didn’t stay here too much. He knew she boarded close to the university she was attending. Studying history, of course.

  Fighting the urge to stay, he got up and went downstairs. There were photographs of his nephew everywhere. He had come to visit after the birth, when he knew Charlotte was away. It would have caused too much offence to not welcome the little dragon. After all, they were blood relatives.

  He was growing so fast now, and a deep yearning filled Zoah. What was it about his biological clock? Until Charlotte had entered his life, he had never thought having a mate would give him any satisfaction. Now he not only longed for his woman, but also for everything that went with it. A son to call his own and to teach all his ways to.

  “One day,” he said. He trailed his fingers over the frame holding a precious picture of Brandan taking his first steps.

  A sound. Someone was here. How had he missed it? He swung round to see a figure in a dark cloak watching him.

  “Hello, Zoah. We need to talk.”

  “What do you want, meddlesome witch?”

  “I don’t want anything. However, there is something that Connor wishes you to know.”

  “What? If he wanted to speak to me, he could have come himself.”

  “He could. But when I told him you were going to come skulking in the dark, he figured that you didn’t want to see anyone. And that is your choice.”

  So they had known he was coming. “I should have known you would see me. That gift of yours is a curse to us all.”

  She frowned. “That is why I’m here. My gift, or curse, is failing. I only get faint glimpses of the future and now it is more concentrated on the near future.”

  “What has that to do with me and Connor?” Zoah asked.

  “Charlotte is away at university.”

  “You think I don’t know exactly where she is?”

  “At the moment, but what if something happens to her?”

  “It won’t.”

  Tara came towards him and took her hood off. She leaned in very close to him, “I think Samuel is still alive.”

  “He can’t be. We burned him.”

  “Oh, he’s still horribly burned. He’s just not dead.”

  Zoah’s blood turned ice cold, his dragon blood refusing to warm his cold soul. “Where is he?”

  She shook her head. “Like I said, it comes and goes. Up until now I’ve always watched over Charlotte from afar, but my grip on her is failing.”

  “Then I’ll go and fetch her, make her safe.”

  “There is another way. She can still lead a normal life, and we will always be able to find her.”

  “That’s not very reassuring.”

  “Then you take her and make her a prisoner? A damsel in distress hidden in her ivory tower. Isn’t that what you’ve been trying to avoid?”

  “No. She’s happy. I’ve
seen her...”

  “Then there is a spell I can use. It’s as ancient as the heart-stone spell. But for it, I need your blood.”

  “Is this one of your tricks to get my blood? What are you going to do, sell it to Samuel so he can heal the damage I did to him with my dragon fire?”

  “No. I can use it so we will always know where your true mate is, Zoah. Isn’t that what you want? Connor believes it is. And that is why I am here.”

  “You swear?”

  “I swear that I want nothing more than to keep her safe. Because if anything ever happened to her, it won't just be you and Connor going to war. The dragons here will fight too. And I have no intention of anything happening to Dòmhnall.”

  “Take what you need,” he said dismissively. She had given him a purpose. If he couldn’t keep Charlotte safe by giving her his protection, he could instead hunt down Samuel – if he really was alive – and make sure he put an end to him. This time he would be sure. This time it would be permanent.

  Chapter Sixteen - Charlotte

  Connor set her bags down on her bed. Then he went over to her dresser and lifted off a long package, which he held out to her. She took it from him, not even having to ask what it was or unwrap it.

  “He brought it here?”

  Connor nodded. “I guessed it had some meaning.”

  “Yes. In a way. It was the night before you came home. The night I realised what he was to me. We had this stupid argument. I often wonder if that’s why he left, because I was too immature for him.”

  “You know that’s not why he left. He only wants you to be happy and he thinks that, at the moment, that is without him.”

  “Sometimes I get so angry with him. It’s as if he thinks this is just about him, that this is his decision alone. But it’s not. I’m stuck on my own. In limbo.”

  “Zoah is nothing if not self-centred. Although, in this case, he really does believe he is doing the right thing.”

  “Do you think that, Connor?” she asked, hoping he would say no, then go and drag his pig-headed brother home.

  “It’s not up to me to judge him.”

  “That’s a diplomatic answer.”

  He smiled, and she could see why Serena found him so attractive. He was similar to Zoah in so many ways, but his features were now softened by his love for Serena and Brandan. There was depth to him. As if all the years he had been alive had carved deep craters into his soul and his new-found love had filled them with empathy. Would Zoah ever be like this?

  “You have both changed. The time you’ve spent apart with the knowledge of your bond has made you into different people. But he can’t see that. Even in himself.”

  “I’m going to grow old and die before he changes his mind.”

  “I don’t think that’s going to happen. Anyway. Are you going to show me what he’s given you?”

  She took off the packaging and the cloth wrapped around it. Holding it by the handle, she lifted the sword up and let the light catch it. “He’s had it sharpened and polished.”

  “He gave you a sword. I thought that was what it was, but it seemed to make no sense. Now it does. May I?” Connor picked it up and held it in his hand, making it look small, like a dagger. “I remember this sword. Zoah picked it up with some armour. He couldn’t believe anyone would send someone so young into battle. He took it to the cave we were living in then. We built it into a fortress so that only he and I could enter. The only way in was by air. But many men died trying to climb the cliff face to reach us.”

  “Why? To ask for your help?”

  “No. There was a price on our heads. As there has been from time to time through the ages. It was around that time that we started to fly at night and slowly we dropped out of memory.”

  “Do you miss him, Connor?”

  “Sometimes. We spent a lot of time together the last few centuries. But we've been apart for longer. When your life stretches back beyond memory, the years blend into one. The days have no meaning. Unless you find love. Then the days are endless when you're apart. Zoah will have felt as though he has endured a century away from you. He is suffering, if it makes you feel better.”

  “I don’t know if it makes me feel better.” She contemplated his words. “I just want him to be happy. If being away from me made him happy, I would accept it. Instead, he’s making us both miserable by staying away.”

  “Well,” Connor said, replacing the sword onto the dresser. “I know what will make you happy. A nice party.”

  She groaned. “You know it won’t.”

  “But you can put a smile on your pretty face and tell Serena it will. She worries about you so much. We all do.”

  “You’re good at emotional blackmail.”

  “I’ve had a good teacher. Your sister has learned to wrap me around her little finger.”

  “And Brandan?”

  “He wraps us both around his finger. Round and round so tightly. At least he will be safe here growing up. It would be nice for him to have a cousin, though.”

  “Have none of the other dragons found a mate? I thought now Dòmhnall had his heart stone he wouldn’t outlaw it.”

  “He doesn’t. And they are looking. But, no. Not yet. It would be nice for there to be some other dragon families. Otherwise Brandan is going to grow up playing with bears and wolves.”

  “Perish the thought. A dragon playing with such lesser beings?”

  He laughed. “You have Dòmhnall’s thoughts exactly right there.”

  “So why hasn’t he taken Tara as his mate?”

  “Still doesn’t trust her, I presume.”

  “But he knows. Right?”

  “I have no idea. He gives her no clue. Sometimes I think he’s testing her patience. After his last encounter with a witch I think he’s waiting to see if she is tempted to use magic on him to get him to notice her.”

  “Now, that would be interesting. How will he know?”

  “He is of the old magic. He was fooled once; I would imagine he would have taken precautions.”

  “All this intrigue at the castle.”

  “And that is another reason why you are going to have a coming-of-age party. I want to see Dòmhnall on his best behaviour. How long do you think he will last without roaring in disgust at the lesser beings?”

  She giggled. “Now, that is the best reason I have heard so far for having a party.”

  “It’s good to have you back." He hugged her warmly. "I expect we should go downstairs and rescue your sister. There is only so much of Tara she can stand.”

  “Some things never change, then?”

  “Not between those two. Serena tolerates her because there is no other women living within three miles of us.”

  “Then let's go and rescue her.” She walked out of the door and then stopped, turning to Connor. “If you see Zoah, can you tell him I’m ready?”

  “If I see him. But he has more or less exiled himself. He has never asked Dòmhnall’s permission to come to Spellholm.”

  “Would he deny him access?”

  “No. But Dòmhnall expects the dragons in Spellholm to swear allegiance to him.”

  “Did you?” she asked, shocked that this big dragon would do that.

  “I had my fingers crossed.”

  She laughed. “You’ve changed, Connor. I never knew you had a sense of humour.”

  “Serena has taught me to laugh.” He paused and pondered his own words. “We have taught each other to laugh. You know the life she had before. Living here makes her feel safe. For us and Brandan. So if I have to kneel before Dòmhnall and say I will serve him in battle, I will do it.”

  “You’re a good man, Connor. Thank you for looking after Serena so well. You mean the world to her.”

  “She is my world. Her and Brandan. I don’t know how my father had the strength to lift his head off his pillow once my mother died. I don’t think I would be able to take one step if Serena died.”

  "Aren’t we two cheerful souls? I think it’s
time I stopped worrying about Zoah and had some fun. I think this party might be just what I need.”

  Her words sounded brighter than she felt, but she was determined to try to enjoy herself. Zoah was ruling her life without him even being here. What if he never returned? She would waste her life over nothing. So she determined to have some fun and forget about him.

  Chapter Seventeen - Zoah

  Planning to use it as a base from which to hunt Samuel, he had returned to one of his old haunts. He had been surprised the stone fortress had remained intact. Centuries had passed since he or Connor had been here. He only hoped that Connor got the message about where he would be if they ever needed him. His gift to Charlotte was the clue, but maybe it was too subtle for his big brother.

  He snorted with derision at himself. There were six dragons living very close to her. At least for the summer she would be safe. He had decided that now would be the best time to leave her completely alone. Let her enjoy a summer in Spellholm without him stalking her. He was sure she knew when he watched her. However, just like that last night at the house, she preferred to keep it hidden from him. Or was she simply ignoring him in the hope he would go away?

  Looking around the cave, he decided that hard work was the only way to get his mind off her. He had a couple of months to kill. The cave would look transformed by the time he had finished clearing it.

  First, he started with the dirt and leaves. Fashioning a broom, from dried twigs, he swept it out. The work wasn’t hard, but he wasn’t used to such menial tasks. By the end of a couple of hours, the cave was clear but his muscles ached. He enjoyed the pain; it was akin to a punishment. Instead of resting and taking a drink, he carried on. Next, he moved some of the rocks and boulders that had rolled down onto the cave floor. Rolling them over and over, he pushed them off the edge of the precipice and sent them hurtling down to crash on the valley floor below.

  He smiled to himself, remembering the days when men would try to scale this wall to hunt the dragons. He and Connor would have competitions to see who could knock them off. If they were really bored, they would fly down and loosen their grip first. Flapping their wings hard, the draft buffeting the men until they were barely clinging on. More than once, they had simply burned them off with their dragon fire. At one time it seemed an everyday occurrence that someone came to chop off their heads.