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Love of the Dragon: BBW Shifter Romance (Her Dragon's Bane Book 4) Page 2
Love of the Dragon: BBW Shifter Romance (Her Dragon's Bane Book 4) Read online
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Who was she kidding? He might be thousands of years old but he must have stopped ageing in his twenties. He had the looks and physique of a rock god. She smiled to herself. If she told him that, he would probably think she meant a Stone Age deity.
He saw her smiling and frowned, before throwing the towel down and retrieving his shirt. “I’m sorry if you find the sight of me working out amusing.”
“Oh, no. It wasn’t that at all. Although I hope you didn’t injure yourself when you fell.”
That stung him. She had no idea why she felt compelled to press his buttons. But she did.
“I’m not that old and decrepit. Do you have any idea what time they’ll be back?”
Wow, he couldn’t wait to offload her onto Serena. That hurt, although it shouldn’t. What did it matter if he was fed up of looking after her? “She didn’t say. I guess they’re flying back tomorrow evening. So how long will it take Connor to fly here? An hour or two.”
“Something like that.”
A man of so few words, he stood in front of her now, making her feel uncomfortable in the silence. That was one thing she had learned about dragons, and Zoah in particular. When you have spent millennia talking, you don’t see the need for small talk. She figured at times, he and Connor must have spent weeks not speaking to each other. Whereas she felt obliged to fill in those silences. Often babbling like an idiot. No wonder he thought she was stupid and immature.
“Well. I don’t know what to do now,” she said, looking at her watch. “I suppose I could still go and meet my friends.”
“No,” he said quickly. “It’s late.”
“But not past my curfew.” Did he really want to have this fight again?
“I know. But by the time you go back out you will not have much time left.” He paused, and she could tell he was searching for a way to keep her here. Maybe he simply didn’t want anything to happen to her on the night before her sister returned.
“So what are we going to do instead?” she asked, figuring it was time she went easy on him.
“We?” he asked, stunned.
She might as well have asked when they were going out to disembowel some peasants. Wasn’t he capable of spending time with her? “I thought you could show me the armour and tell me about you and Connor.”
“Oh. Yes. I need a shower first.”
“You can always teach me how to fight with a sword and then you’ll just get sweaty again.”
“You want to learn to fight?”
Now she had his attention and she planned to keep it. Otherwise, he was just as likely to disappear on her. “Sure. Or have you never learned? I suppose when you can change into a dragon and kill people with your breath, there's no real need.”
“Oh no. Connor and I used to spend endless hours sparring. I just never expected you to be interested.”
“Why? Because I’m a girl?”
“Something like that,” he said, a hint of a smile on his face.
“Oh, so the mean, moody dragon has a sense of humour.”
“I am not mean and moody,” he insisted.
She raised her eyebrow at him, and then let it go. Not wanting to argue with him again. “Do I get to wear armour too?”
Now he actually laughed at her. “If you put armour on, you wouldn’t be able to move. As it is, I doubt you will be able to lift a sword.”
“A challenge. I like this new Zoah. Lead the way.”
A second of hesitation before he brushed past her out into the hallway. She decided to ignore the bolt of electricity that shot through her where his body touched hers. It was simply the excitement of the moment. She had been desperate to use the swords. Up until now, she had simply run her fingers along them and imagined what it was like to hold them in her hands. Now she was going to get to use them. If Zoah was with her, there was no way she could get into trouble, either.
Zoah walked so fast she had to jog to catch up. Then she took long strides to match his. “So, did you ever fight in any battles?”
“As a man or a dragon?”
“You mean you’ve done both?”
“For a while Connor and I worked as mercenaries. We decided that if men were going to kill each other over land and gold, we might as well join in and let them pay us. Kings pay very handsomely for a fire-breathing dragon.”
“Why isn’t that in the history books?”
“Oh, that was before they started writing it down. Instead, the legends were born. The stories were passed on by story tellers who embellished the facts to such an extent none of them were taken as truth.”
“Like King Arthur? Did he actually exist? You meet him?” She thought she would burst with excitement.
“My father did.” Zoah's face filled with sadness, and she wished she hadn’t made the spectre of his father come to life. She knew how much he mourned his father’s passing.
The story was heartbreaking. When Zoah’s mother had grown old and died, he continued his search. He was determined to find the secret of a way to make a dragon's mate immortal. He wanted to pass it on to his sons, in the hope they would never have to experience the same loss. A witch had tricked him and he had lost his life. He would never know that his mission had been successful.
They had reached the great hall with the suits of armour standing like sentries along it. She imagined them coming to life and fighting each other. Loud, clanging swords and shattered shields. Banners flying as the armies marched to war.
“I don’t know why the thought of men slitting each other’s guts open appeals to you.”
“Because it’s not something a woman should be interested in?” she asked, going to a large, ornate sword. “Did they actually go into battle with something like this?”
“Yes. They named their swords, thinking it gave them power. Life. But all a sword does is end life.”
“So why keep them all if you think it’s all so stupid?”
“To remind me how corruptible men are.”
“And women?”
He shook his head. “You didn’t see women on the battlefield. And I don’t always believe it was because men thought they were weak. Women are the strength of the species.”
“And there was me thinking you were a male chauvinist.”
“If that’s the worst thing you think of me, then I guess I’m lucky.”
“I don’t know you, Zoah. So I reserve my judgement for when I do.”
“I thought most humans make decisions on first impressions.”
“Not me. Anyway. You’ve looked after me when you didn’t have to.”
“Of course I had to,” he said sharply.
“Why? Because of Connor? I suppose you have lived together for so long you must really love each other.”
His eyes fixed on her, making her stomach squirm in a strange, pleasant way. Then he nodded. “Yes. I would do anything for him.”
She ran her finger along the blunt edge of a sword. Her mind was going back to her earlier thoughts. “Zoah. Will you promise me something?”
“If I can.”
No hesitation this time, so she ploughed on. “I’m just worried. About Serena.”
“What about her? She has Connor. He will protect her with his life.”
“I know. But what if something happens to him?”
“Nothing is going to happen to him. And she has you.”
“For now,” she said, trying to contain her tears. “But I’ll grow old. While she will live forever.”
“Charlotte. Please don’t let this worry you. You will live for a long, long time.”
Her voice caught in her throat. “But not forever. So I want you to promise me, you'll always be there for her and my nephew. If anything ever happens to Connor.”
Chapter Five - Zoah
Her words sliced his heart in two. It showed him the reality of her slipping away from him. Old age would take her from him forever if he didn’t act. For a moment, he allowed himself to imagine what it would be like to take her into his arms
now and kiss her. Tell her what she was to him and that he would give her immortality so she never left this world.
Instead, he said, “I promise.”
“Thank you.” She wiped her tears away and then said, “OK. Which sword can I use?”
He watched her take a shuddering breath. For some reason he felt proud of her. She was stronger than he had given her credit for. Her past could have made her weak and afraid; instead, it had given her an inner strength.
Going along the line of armour he stopped before one made for a child. By his side, he heard her about to complain about not being a child. Before she had the chance, he grasped the sword and lifted it from its place effortlessly. Then he handed it to her.
She took it, not expecting it to be so heavy. Bracing herself she lifted it up, pointing the tip into the air. “Easy.”
Smiling wickedly, he reached for a sword of his own, long, broad and straight. Swapping it from hand to hand, he tested its weight. She copied him, gaining the feel of her own.
“Now practice getting your hold right. It has to be comfortable, but secure, or else it will be knocked from your hand. Too tight and you won’t be able to hold it for long enough. Remember, these battles went on for hours.”
“OK. I think I’ve got it. So what now?”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea to actually fight.”
“Why? Are you afraid I might beat you, old man?”
He grinned. “That is fighting talk, but I’ve spent years training. I can beat Connor most of the time. So you have no chance. Why not start with some training? I can set up a training post.”
“Boring,” she said.
He saw the jab coming before her hand even moved. Reading your opponent was easy when they were slow and clumsy. Still he allowed her the thrill of thinking she had a chance. At the last moment, he pushed her sword away with his own.
“Lucky,” she said.
Zoah had to hold onto his self-control. He never was very good at being goaded, especially by the woman he wanted to impress. “Again.”
She stepped forward, into his space, this time. He sidestepped. Learning from his actions, she came at him again. This time she timed it better. However, she had no chance of landing a blow. Unless he let her. His pride would not let him do that.
It didn’t take long for her to tire. Her movements were becoming slower, her arm struggling to raise the iron sword. Still she kept on until a sheen of perspiration covered her forehead.
“Enough?” he asked.
“No. I’m going to beat you.”
“Not tonight.”
“You want to quit?”
“I never quit.”
“That makes two of us.”
She started to swipe at him, her movements jerky and out of control. Yet she kept coming at him. Once she tripped and nearly fell. He reached out and caught her arm, righting her again, trying to ignore the sensations that flooded him. As if she were poison, he released her quickly.
Instantly, she came at him again. This had to end; she wouldn't be able to move in the morning, her muscles would ache so much.
“Let’s go get a drink,” he said.
“Are you yielding to me?”
“I have never yielded. This has gone on too long. You’re tiring.”
“I’m not the old man.”
She lunged at him. He sidestepped but she turned and stabbed at him again, narrowly missing him. Zoah felt his temper flare. She never knew when to give up. If it wasn’t complaining about her curfew, it was about her clothes. Now she was going to get herself hurt. So he ended it.
With one swift movement, he brought his sword down hard on hers. She yelped in fright and dropped her sword. He stepped into her personal space and before the movement registered with her brain, he had over-balanced her. But he didn’t let her fall. He would never let her fall.
With one strong arm, he caught her. Her flailing hands going around his neck to give herself some support.
For one long moment, their eyes met. A world of emotion passed between them. It would be so easy to bend his head forward and kiss her. Charlotte must have known this was what he wanted because she moistened her lips. Preparing for her first taste of him.
It would be so easy to fulfil his desire.
Chapter Six - Charlotte
He was going to kiss her. Why did she want this so much? She should push him away and tell him he was a pervert.
“Do you yield?” he asked softly.
Oh boy, did she yield. The hormones rushing through her body were overpowering her brain. Her fingers tightened around his neck, pulling herself closer to him. She was ready for her first kiss. Unable to comprehend why something so wrong felt so perfectly right.
There was only one answer she could give and when she looked into his eyes, she saw there was only one answer he would accept. “Yes, Zoah. I yield.” She closed her eyes. Isn’t that what you did when a man kissed you? And waited for their lips to meet.
“I win,” he said, lifting her to an upright position.
Charlotte swayed, her emotions still overpowering her. It took several seconds for her brain to kick in and start working to process what had happened. He had played her. Embarrassed and disappointed, her rage grew.
“That wasn’t fair.”
“Then that is your first lesson. No one plays fair.”
“But I thought you were ... that you were going to...”
“What?” His smirking face told her he had made her think exactly what he wanted her to think. What a fool she was to ever trust him.
“You are such an idiot,” she fumed.
“I’ve been called worse,” he teased. Zoah picked the swords up and put them back in place next to their armour. While Charlotte glared at his back. Wishing she could push one of those pointy swords into his ego.
He was so frustratingly calm, so superior. She wanted him to be taken down a peg or two, for him to learn that he could not always win. If only she knew that right now, he felt like the biggest loser of all time.
With nothing left to say to him, she stormed off. Running along the cool hallways unseeing through the tears in her eyes. Ignoring the various collections of trinkets the dragons had collected over the centuries. Even her favourite medieval tapestries didn’t draw her eye. Flinging her door open she stormed into her room, her hand catching the door to slam it shut.
A ball of fluff only narrowly missed being squashed as she dived into Charlotte’s room. Immediately, Charlotte’s temper dissipated. Scooping the little cat up into her arms, she buried her face in her fur. Then she cried out her frustration. The low, rumbling purr calmed her until she felt herself again.
“I’m sorry, Hope. I nearly squashed you. But that stupid dragon drives me mad.” Hope sat looking at Charlotte with her knowing eyes, completely in agreement. “But it’s OK. Serena is coming home tomorrow. We’ll be a family again and I won’t have to see him. In fact, I’m going to try to avoid him as much as possible.”
Too late to go out and too annoyed to sleep, she got ready for bed and dug out her book to read. Hopefully it would make her feel sleepy and she could wake up in the morning in a better mood. She had Serena and Connor's return to look forward to. Perhaps her sister would be showing her baby bump by now. After two months away, there had been plenty of time for the little dragon to grow inside her.
There was a knock at her door. Charlotte looked at the time; it was a little after eleven. She hadn’t managed to fall asleep but her eyes were heavy and she hated getting out of her warm bed. Should she ignore it and pretend she was asleep? That would be better than speaking to Zoah again. Although her temper had subsided, she was still mad with him.
He knocked again, this time a little more insistent. He wasn’t going to go away. Waking her up didn’t bother him. She was certain that he thought everyone was like him. If there was one thing she had learned about Zoah, it was that he didn’t need to sleep much.
“I’m tired.”
“Please, Charlotte, will you open the door?” he asked, his voice strained.
“What do you want, Zoah? Unless you’ve come to apologise I don’t want to speak to you.” She knew that would get rid of him. Zoah never apologised.
“Open the door. There’s something I want to ask you.”
“Apology first.”
“Goodnight, Zoah.”
“OK. I’m ... sorry.”
“For what?”
A sigh of exasperation, loud enough for her to hear through the door, made her smile. She was enjoying this. It was about time she had some power over him, he was like a closed book emotionally. Only his looks and body language ever told her how to get under his skin.
“I’m sorry for upsetting you.”
She climbed out of her warm covers and sat on the edge of the bed, trying to decide what to do. There was no way she could ignore him when he had done as she asked. However, she was nervous of what he was here for. There was only the two of them in the house and despite his behaviour, she couldn’t forget that look of longing in his eyes. What if he wanted to...
Ridiculous. Pushing herself off the bed, she walked to the door and opened it to confront him. He looked terrible.
“Zoah. Are you alright?”
“Yes. But I need to fly.”
“Fly? Oh you mean go all dragon?”
“Yes. It’s been itching to get out for days.”
“Then go.”
“I can’t leave you here alone.”
At this point, if she had remained true to character, she would have told him not to be stupid. She wasn’t a child. However, Charlotte was as flexible as trees in the wind when it came to her views. When it suited her.
“Then take me with you.”
“That was too easy.” She studied his face. “That’s what you were going to ask me? To go with you.”
“Because I want to fly and you can’t stay here on your own. You don’t have school tomorrow so I thought it would be OK for you to come with me.”